Flame Firedot Lichen

This lichen forms brilliant orange to red-orange patches on rock. The margins are placodioid (somewhat lobed), and the center is dotted with orange apothecia. Caloplaca impolita is somewhat more yellow especially at the margins, while Caloplaca ignea is uniformly orange to red-orange.

Nearly 150 species of lichen have been identified on the 5,896 acre UCSB Sedgwick Reserve in the Santa Ynez Valley.  With funding from John and Heidi Rabel, CCBER has published Lichens of Sedgwick Reserve and Santa Barbara County. This guide helps to identify 56 of the species with descriptions by lichenologist Dr. Shirley Tucker  and stunning, full color photographs by Chris Broughton, Professor of Photography at Brook’s Institute, providing a fascinating view of the beauty and complex symbiotic nature of lichens.

Photo Credit: Chris Broughton